Showing posts with label VMWARE vREALIZE FAMILY OF PRODUCTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VMWARE vREALIZE FAMILY OF PRODUCTS. Show all posts

January 7, 2024

Deployment of VMware Aria Automation Deployment 8.12 with Easy Install

VMware Aria Automation Deployment and Configure- 8.12

Basic Overview :

The architecture of vRA 8.1 has been completely changed from the previous version 7.6. vRealize Automation 8.1 runs on Photon OS, with a broadly leveraged microservices architecture using Kubernetes and Docker. vRA is comprised of numerous services, running in separate containers, with a PostgreSQL database per container, RabbitMQ serves as the message broker.

Using VRA Easy installer ISO, we can deploy – vRealize identity manager, vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, and vRealize Automation.

With vRealize Easy Installer, You can:Install vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager:

* Install vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager
* Install a new instance of VMware Identity Manager
* Install a new instance of vRealize Automation
* Register vRealize Automation with VMware Identity Manager

Let's Discuss about - vRealize Automation (VRA) , vRealize Lifecycle Manager (VRLCM) and vRealize Identity Manager (VIDM)

vRealize Life Cycle Manager: – VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager delivers a comprehensive, integrated product and lifecycle management solution for VMware vRealize Suite.

vRealize Identity Manager (VIDM): – Identity Manager is integrated into the vRealize Automation appliance and provides tenant identity management. Identity Manager synchronizes with the Active Directory domain.

vRealize Automation (VRA) (New name – VMware Aria Automation): –VRA is a modern infrastructure automation platform with event-driven state management. It is designated to help organizations control and secure self-service multi-cloud with governance and DevOps-based infrastructure delivery.

Now Let's Discuss vRealize Component :

1.Cloud Assembly : VMware Cloud Assembly™ is a multi-cloud provisioning service that provides a cloud API layer utilized by the templating engine. Cloud Assembly also supports powerful custom extensibility frameworks, including the serverless function Action-Based Extensibility (ABX), VMware vRealize Orchestrator workflows, and event-broker subscriptions.

2. Code Stream : Code Stream automates the application and infrastructure delivery process with release pipeline management, including visibility and analytics into active
pipelines and their status for troubleshooting. It allows DevOps teams to leverage existing tools and processes with out-of-the-box integration.

3. vRealize Orchestrator : vRealize Orchestrator simplifies and automates complex data center infrastructure tasks, delivering consistent remediation of issues, extensibility and fast service delivery.

4.Service Broker : Service Broker aggregates content from multiple resources and platforms, including Cloud Assembly, vRealize Orchestrator, and native public clouds, into a common catalog accessible via a graphical interface or APIs. It provides a self-service model with flexible, policy-based governance to regulate service and resource consumption.

5.vRealize Automation SaltStack Config : SaltStack Config can easily define optimized, compliant software states and enforce them across your entire environment—virtualized, hybrid or public.

Resource Requirement for the Deployment of VRA , VIDM and vRSLCM .

Network Requirements:

* vRealize Automation requires:Single, static IPv4 and Network Address
* Reachable DNS server set manually
* Valid, Fully qualified domain name, set manually that can be resolved both forward and in reverse         through the DNS server

Requirement for Ports for Product and Integration Communications

Refer  VMware document for required 
 :Ports and Protocols Requirements 

Deployment Process :

1. First Download the Easy installer ISO which contain VRA,VRSLCM and VIDM bundle .
2. Mount the vra-lcm-installer-xxx.iso image on the local system and navigate to the installer file location.

3.Run the appropriate installer file (OS-dependent) within the folder to start the Installation Wizard,If you are using windows OS then navigate to win32 folder and run the installer.exe.

4. Once you will run the installer.exe file it will give you 2 option one is intsall and second one is Migrate .As we are doing the fresh installation ,Click Install on vRealize Easy Installer for vRA and VIDM.

5. First page after run the install setup you can see the introduction page about the VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) ,vRealize Suite lifecycle manager (VRSLCM) and VMware Idendity Manager (VIDM).

6. Read the End User licensing agreement and check “I accept the term of licensing agreement” and do Next.

7.Next we have to specify the vCenter Details (IP/FQDN & credentials) where you want to deploy the Appliances .

8. It will pop up for certificate warning, Click Accept to continue.

9. Now we have to choose the inventory location like on which folder or cluster and Datacenter will deploy .

10.Next choose the Compute resource from where these appliance can use CPU and Memory resource .

11. Select Datastore from the storage location and if you want to provision thin provision the check “Enable Thin Disk Mode” as per your requirement and Click next

12.Now Most important , We have to specify the network details .Move to Network Configuration and Click Next .
Network configuration ( IP Assisment,Subnet mask ,gateway and DNS Details.)

13. Configure a common password for all the products included in the installation and click continue.

14. Configure Life Cycle Manager virtual machine name, IP, hostname, and click Next.

15.Choose new Install New Identity manager (Incase already if you’re using VIDM in env, you can use existing VIDM; you can choose the import existing option), and specific username (after deployment, you need to login to VRA using an admin user account.

16.In the vRealize Automation Configuration window, you have option to choose the deployment type as Standard Deployment (Single Node) or Cluster Deployment (3 Nodes). In our scenario, we choose the standard deployment.
(If you want HA, you can choose cluster deployment)> Next.

* Also ,Configure the Environment Name, License key, vRAs node Name, IP and Hostname and Click Next.

Same page you will get advanced configuration where you can configure for k8Cluster IP range and k8S service IP range.

17. On last Summary page review all the details and submit to start the deployment .

18 .Monitor the installation progress from below Installation Process windows.
It will take some time to complete the deployment .

19.Once the installation is finish and LCM is deployed you can access it from the IP / FQDN and check the progress of the other component in detail.

Now we can able to access the LCM and configure the Environment .

1. Login to the LCM with admin@local as local user and password you have used in the deployment stage.

2.Select the Lifecycle manager operation ,you can also use the locker option to set the admin and root password vRealize suite component.

3.You can also login to VMware Aria Automation and VMware identity manager that everything is deployed successfully .

4.Go to browser and provide IP/fqdn of VMware Aria Automation and go to Login page .

5.Provide the username and password which you configured during deployment process .

6.Once you will login to page you can see the different services under My services .Validate all services is accessible for you to perform further process .

7.Now you can go to browser and provide IP/Fqdn detail of VIDM and login with admin and password.
Once you will be able to login you can integrate VIDM with Active directory or LDAP to syn user from domain .

Hope This post will helpful for the deployment of VMware Aria Automation .Thank you for Reading this Post .

August 13, 2023

vRealize Operations Manager -Part 2

Installation and Configuration vRealize Operation manager

Stage2: Configure vRealize Operation Manager .

1.First login to browser using FQDN or using IP. You will get screen where you need to choose the installation type:

Express Installation : (Will only ask about license information and move to cluster configuration)

Expand an existing Installation : (This option is used only when you have an existing cluster and this node will be added into it, can be done for multiple reasons). New Installation: It same as Express but when you are going to deploy primary node you have to provide other information.

New Installation: It same as Express but when you are going to deploy primary node you have to provide other Information.

2.In My case I am going to choose New Installation and it will started with below page.

3.In This Step we need to setup the password for admin credentials of vROPS.

4. Now we must provide certificate details if you want to use the custom certificate then browse file and choose the certificate which you created from certificate server. In my case I am going to continue with Default Certificate .

5. This is the 1st node or primary node of the cluster; it becomes the master node. we need to add the NTP address as well.

6. This step is very important if you want to configure High Availability for Primary node. We have two Option here 1. High Availability and 2. Continuous Availability.

High Availability: As name defined you can choose this option for high availability of node means it will prevent data loss in case of node failure. Once you will use this option it will create secondary copy of master node and create replica node.

Continuous Availability: This mode is also help you in case of node failure and to prevent from data loss. but in this node you need one more node called as witness node. This configuration divide across two fault domain which basically need atleast three data nodes .

7.In this step we need to role of node. As this is 1st node it will be master node but if you are going to deploy 2nd node and want to configure as data node then choose Data node you want to configure as witness node.

8.Final step Click on Finish to complete the configuration part.

9.Once you will click o Finish on Last step it will start configuring the nodes and create cluster.

10.Once configuration will finish, it will highlight option to start vRealieze Operations.

11.When we will click on start vRealieze Operations initial installation will start and Cluster will come up online.

12. In Below picture you can see Cluster is running and online .Using above steps you can also deploy other data node and configure in this cluster .

Setup vRealize Operation and configure Data Source .

Basically, you are getting two options to login vRealize Operation Manager:

1.Admin Login: - When you are login to vROPS with admin, you will land to administrator page from where you can upgrade software, cluster status and some other admin status. https://<FQDN_vROPS/admin>

2.Operational login: When you login to vROPS without admin it will land to operational page from where you can perform you all operation task like dashboard, monitoring infrastructure, configure data soure,add cloud end point and lots of other task which you can explore when you will deploy in your environment .

1.Let me show you when we will login vROPS with admin how it will look like , https://<FQDN_vRops/admin>,In Below screenshot in left plane you can see administrator task when you login with admin .

2.Now let’s login without admin option in url: https://<<Fqdn_vROPS>>

3.Now let’s understand what are the steps we need to perform to setup operation page .

4.Login to browser with https://fqdn_vROPS ,First screen you will et is Welcome to configuration and setting up vRealize Operation .

5.In next screen accept the EULA and click Next .

6.Now we have to provide License key that you can also apply later and you can proceed with Evaluation License.

7.Join the CIEP (Customer Experience Improvement Program) and Click Next.

8.Click on Finish to complete the setup.

9.Once you click on Finish it will complete the setup and you are good to configure the Data sources from where vROPS collect the data.

1.Click On Home page and from Left Plane navigate Data Sources. Expand the Data sources option and Navigate to Integration .

2.Once you will click on Integration you will get different Account Types which you can configure. Like vCenter, NSXT, VMC on AWS, etc..

In My case I am going to configure with my on prem vCenter. So clicked on vCenter from below account types.

3.After Click on vCenter it will ask me to provide admin credentials to configure vROPS with vCenter.

4.Once you will provide the administrator credentials, Click in Validation it will validate that provided details is correct or not and is there any issue between connectivity .

5.When you click on Validate it will ask you to review and Accept the certificate .Review and Click on Accept.

6.In below screenshot you can see connection is successfully validated.

7.After successfully connection we can see vCenter is connected with my vROPS and soon it will start collecting data.

8.Go to Home Page ,Navigate to Operation Overview and you will able to monitor infrastraucture .Cluster ,VMs,any alert,Utilization and lots of other task .For which I will engourge configure your enviorment with vROPS and explore all options .

I hope my blog will help you to undertand vRealize operation Manager and how to setup in your enviorment .